Ramon Vullings
speaker, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Ramon Vullings
speaker, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Great Leaders Mix And Match
Get ready for the future with the ideaDJ strategy
Our society faces a number of major challenges. Many of them are complex, also called 'wicked problems'. To solve them, cross-over cooperation between silos and sectors is crucial. Designing these collaborations and finding new solutions needs a new discipline: cross-industry innovation.
Ramon Vullings is on a mission to help leaders to look outside their sector and make more beautiful combinations!
Ramon’s ideaDJ concept is the epitome of how cross-pollination, agility, curiosity and playfulness can foster relevant innovation.
- Sandrine Gadol, Chief Innovation Officer - L'Oréal
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About 'Great leaders mix and match'
Get ready for the future with the ideaDJ strategy
Our society faces a number of major challenges. Many of them are complex, also called 'wicked problems'. To solve them, cross-over cooperation between silos and sectors is crucial. Designing these collaborations and finding new solutions needs a new discipline: cross-industry innovation.
Ramon Vullings is on a mission to help people to look outside their sector and make more beautiful combinations!
Great Leaders Mix and Match is a guide to becoming an ideaDJ: a leader who creates impactful and beautiful combinations which add real value.
This book is a call to all leaders to make that step, to embed themselves as ideaDJs within their organisations and communities.
The book is a manifesto for more beautiful combinations in (business) life. The world faces complex challenges and these challenges can only be resolved by mixing and matching ideas. The beauty here lies in the elegance of the solutions which actually make the world a better place and how we are able to solve multiple challenges in one go. Think of a waste incarnation plant which doubles as ski hill. Or think of new solutions for care: an elderly home, combined with a children day care and an animal farm, where all parties benefit from the combination. These are real cases where the total (combination) is clearly more valuable than the sum of its parts.
This book serves as a manual and toolbox and outlines how leaders can become ‘ideaDJs’. A perfect ideaDJ mix consists of beauty, value and impact. By creating beauty, the solutions have more elegance in their implementation. It adds more value to all stakeholders, not just the shareholders. And finally, the solutions create more sustainable and scalable impact.
Besides many exciting examples, Great Leaders Mix and Match contains a clear methodology and tool kits. The main focus is to help (business) leaders to change the mindset and attitude of the people around them. It also invites leaders to provide the tools to their employees so that they can also become ideaDJs and foster an innovation culture.
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Book launch 'Great Leaders Mix And Match'
Book launch pictures
Pictures made by Marleen Peeters, moderation by Cyriel Kortleven and visual recap by VisualHarvesting.comRamon's TEDx talk
How to become an ideaDJ ?
Praise for 'Great Leaders Mix And Match'
This book blends some of the freshest ideas in business today, and presents them in a way that makes them easy to understand and apply. Ramon is a scholar of how great concepts are born from cross-industry mash-ups, and this book will help you learn what it means to be an ideaDJ.
- Scott Kirsner, CEO & Co-Founder, Innovation Leader
Great Leaders Mix and Match is an inspiring, high-energy, visual guide to creative leadership.
- Dave Gray, author of Gamestorming and founder of XPLANE
Ramon’s ideaDJ concept is the epitome of how cross-pollination, agility, curiosity and playfulness can foster relevant innovation.
- Sandrine Gadol, Chief Innovation Officer - L'Oréal
Ramon has a knack for mixing ideas from a wide variety of fields to make a compelling case for mixing ideas from different fields to spur creativity and innovation, and inspired leadership. He is a master who will show you how it is done!
- Niraj Dawar, Professor Emeritus and Principal at Brand Strategy Group
This book has plenty of great strategies to stimulate leaders' creative juices to come up with ideas that could transform people's lives for the better.
- Veena Kondaveeti, Chief of Staff to the CEO, Effect Photonics
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More praise for 'Great Leaders Mix And Match'
Ramon’s book ‘Great Leaders Mix and Match’ is finally killing the concept of “there is just one way”. Expect an explosion of wild ideas for your own business while you’re reading about solutions in other industries.
You still have to be brave but it was never so easy being a great leader and an ideaDJ at the same time. It probably will bring you more success but definitely more fun.
- Dirk Popp, Co-CEO of Wildstyle Networks
Discover how Great Leaders practice WonderWalks and meet Mr. Hand Solo. Let ideaDJ Ramon immerse yourself in Algoraves and keep asking yourself what if you could “Mix and Match”.
- Natacha Dagneaud, CEO - Seissmo Market Research
Having known Ramon Vullings for many years I can only recommend his book, Great Leaders Mix and Match. Thanks to two real seminars organised by Ramon I successfully tested the art of mixing and matching great finance leaders (age, management style, gender, nationalities) and getting the best out of them — they became my ideaDJs — to start a radically new approach in performance: moving completely away from the traditional budget to rolling forecasts and target setting.
- Mel de Vogue, CFO — Etex Group
Great Leaders Mix and Match is a wonderful read. Mixing for the right balance to create new impactful combinations is crucial for modern leaders.
21st century companies need more ideaDJs.
- Steven Van Belleghem, international keynote speaker, author, entrepreneur & investor at Nexxworks
Ramon delivers engaging keynote speeches on 'Great Leaders Mix And Match', here a recommendation for his work:
Ramon spoke to an international audience of around 1000 professionals.
He was a resounding success - his message was fresh, relevant and actionable.
Catherine McGavock, Vice President EMEA – GBTA
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Twinkeling B.V.
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IBAN: BE29 7330 6175 3664
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, business author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ 🚀
Ramon speaks about bringing the outside world in and why remixing of ideas cross-sector is a smart strategy for future-fit leaders.