Ramon Vullings
speaker, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Ramon Vullings
speaker, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
The show goes on (-line) !
Ramon delivers on-line keynotes & interactivity
on-line offerings
on-line keynote
leadership in & after crisis
Ramon Vullings helps business leaders with cross-industry strategies, skills & tools to work smarter in and after crisis!
fun formats
in action
webinars? #notboring!
Bringing new & interactive(!) formats to digital events. No more boring webinars with Ramon as moderator!
on-line experience
combine physical & digital
Combining both on-line and off-line interventions allows for greater audience attendance & engagement!
On-line collaboration ! 🎥 ✅ 💟 📲
New times require new formats ⚡️ 📲
This is the largest global experiment in digital transformation and on-line learning, so this also allows for wonderful technology explorations!
We can do so much better! 😉
Event design & technology support
For the digital experience design and technology setup, Ramon works together with a network of trusted event organisers (like Speakers Associates & Turn Key Business Events) and various AV (audio visual) design companies, to be able to tailor a solution for your events.
The show must go on (-line) !
Ramon delivers on-line keynotes, interactivity & experience design
No more boring webinars!
From physical to virtual meetings and hybrid formats in between,
Ramon Vullings helps to design & deliver great experiences!
Ramon delivers interactive keynotes and provides moderation services.
The show goes on... also on-line!
Company details
Twinkeling B.V.
Antwerp (Belgium)
London (UK)
VAT: BE 0774.530.647
CoC: 0774.530.647
KBC Bank Belgium
IBAN: BE29 7330 6175 3664
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, business author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ 🚀
Ramon speaks about bringing the outside world in and why remixing of ideas cross-sector is a smart strategy for future-fit leaders.